Modern Mobile Floor App: Perform Work

How to Perform Work to Complete a Fulfillment Process from a Mobile Device or the Mobile App from a Desktop Computer.

Use the Perform Work Mobile Floor App

  1. Access the Work within the Mobile Floor App. Two ways:
    1. From a desktop computer: From the Dashboard, click the Mobile Floor Apps tab. Then click Find Work.
    2. On a mobile unit: Tap Find Work.
  2. If prompted, select the appropriate Warehouse.
  3. Under the Open Work Batches find the batch number that corresponds with the Fulfillment Process currently being run, then click the "Select Batch" button.
  4. On the Find Work screen, click either "Back to List" to return to the "Find Work" menu or 
    click "Start Work" to bring up the Perform Pick Work screen
  5. Scan or Enter the required address in the Location Address field. Click or press Enter.
  6. Scan or Enter the required Item SKU in the Item Barcode field. Click or press Enter.
  7. Enter the Quantity of the Item in the Quantity field. Click or press Enter.
  8. Once the Quantity is confirmed, the system will automatically return to the Scan Location screen if any other Items are on the pick tickets. Complete steps 5-7 until all the Items on the pick tickets are processed. Once all the Items have been Picked, the following screen will show the completed process.
  9. Next, choose either Pack Station to complete the packing process or Ship Station to complete shipping the order.